segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2014

English Review 9º ano.

1.      Complete as frases no “Present Perfect”:
                  I.     Carlos _________ some flowers. (buy)
                 II.     My parents _________ in São Paulo for five years. (live)
              III.     Susan_________ in several recitals. (play)
              IV.     I _________ late. (sleep)
                V.     That boy _____ just ________ an apple. (eat)

2.      Passe a frase para a forma interrogative e marque:
“My father has gotten a new cell phone.”

A)    My father has not gotten a new cell phone?
B)     Have my father gotten a new cell phone?
C)     Has my father gotten a new cell phone?
D)    My father has gotten a new cell phone?
3.      Ordene as palavras e forme a frase corretamente:
“have/ this movie/ watched/ Kevin and Marta/ not”

A)    Have Kevin and Marta not watched this movie.
B)     Kevin and Marta have not watched this movie.
C)     Kevin and Marta not have watched this movie.
D)    Kevin and Marta have watched not this movie.

4.      Traduza as palavras abaixo:
A)    Cane;
B)     crutch;
C)     prosthesis;
D)    hearing aid;
E)     wheelchair;
F)      advertisement;
G)    headlines;
H)    classified ads;
I)       cartoon;
J)       weather forecast.

5.      Escreva em inglês os nomes das deficiências mostradas nas figuras:           

6.      Enumere a segunda coluna de acordo com a primeira:
(1)   Wheelchair racing
(2)   Track and field
(3)   Swimming
(4)   Cycling
(5)   Powerlifting
(   ) atletismo
(   ) corrida de cadeira de rodas
(   ) ciclismo
(   ) levantamento de peso
(   ) natação

7.      Complete as frases usando as palavras entre parênteses:
A.     Rosinha has been an athlete … 1997. (for/since)
B.     He has practiced wheelchair tennis … he was a child. (for/since)
C.     Tenório da Silva has competed … many years. (for/since)
D.     Have you done your homework …? (already/yet)
E.      I’ve …read this book. It’s excellent! (already/yet)

8.      Estude também as questões 5 e 6 da página 73 do livro.

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