sábado, 16 de junho de 2018

Comparative Adjective.

1. Complete os espaços com o 'comparative adjective' correto. Por exemplo, cheaper (para 'cheap') e more beautiful (para 'beautiful').

A. My city is (old) than yours.
B. Jane is (tall) than Melissa.
C. Dogs are usually (heavy) than cats.
D. Watching a film in DVD is (cheap) than going to the theatre.
E. This brand of pastry is (good) than the brand I usually buy.
F. The book I'm reading is much (interesting) than all the books I've read in the past.
G. Italian is an (easy) language to learn than German.
H. Jake is (young) than his sister.

2. Reescreva as sentenças em destaque abaixo conforme os modelos, e em seguida traduza.

- He is more important than you. [I am]
- I am more important than you. (Eu sou mais importante do que você.)

- She is younger than me. [You are]
- You are younger than me. (Você é mais novo do que eu.)

A. She is more popular than you. [We are]

B. He is more handsome than John. [They are]

C. Jane is older than Ted. [I am]

D. She is nicer than Maria. [You are]

3. Mark True or False - Verdadeiro ou falso

A. Obama is older than Lula. (...)
B. Bill Gates is richer than Silvio Santos. (...)
C. Juliana Paes is more famous than Britney Spears. (...)
D. Michael Jackson was more popular than Mike Tyson. (...)

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